Do you have 5 minutes to take part in an online survey being carried out by Dr Stephen Gilbert and Professor John Saxton at Northumbria University?
The research will investigate the advice people being treated for cancer are receiving about physical activity after their diagnosis.
Working with cancer patients from a local Patient and Public Involvement group, we have designed an online survey which we are keen to get out to as many cancer survivors as possible to find out what advice about physical activity they received and to get their opinions on how appropriate this advice was for them and their needs.
The survey itself asks participants about their current health, their physical activity habits and about any physical activity advice they received. Most of the questions have multiple choice answers with only a couple asking for further details. This research has been approved by an institutional research ethics committee. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary, and all answers people provide are kept anonymous and so no one could be identified from any information they provide.
If you would like to take part in the survey please use the link below which will open the Google Forms page in a new window:
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