Burping and reflux are often associated due to many reasons. Due to a weak lower oesophageal sphincter the pressure differential between the oesophagus and the stomach changes which is why...
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Another term for swallowing difficulties is called dysphasia. dysphasia can be a symptom associated with reflux. For patients suffering with acid reflux this can cause inflammation of the oesophagus (Oesophagitis). Oesophagitis Is associated...
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Whilst a cardiac cause must be ruled out before reflux is recorded as the cause of chest pain, many patients suffer with severe chest pain which they often feel mimics...
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This is a phrase your doctor may use and it describes a variety of symptoms that you may be suffering from. Some examples of these are nausea heartburn burping and...
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A weak lower oesophageal sphincter is usually the cause of regurgitation. Patients report a sensation of acid or other stomach contents coming up into the throat or mouth. sometimes it can leave...
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Many people describe heartburn as a sharp pain or a tightening sensation or even sometimes burning in the chest behind the breast bone. For many people this is worse at...
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Hosting a Meeting If you do NOT have the Zoom app installed, go to zoom.us and select "Host a Meeting" to start the installation. If you DO have the App installed, see...
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Overview Zoom offers multiple methods to schedule a meeting. A host has control over the options for their scheduled meetings except for settings that an administrator has locked for all...
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There is now new and easy ways to donate to the OPA via Virgin Money Giving! You can now donate via Google Pay - an alternative way to donate quickly...
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Thank you to Paul Bunting! Paul challenged himself to walk the height of Mount Everest (41,000 steps to be exact) over the course of June. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chloe-bunting1 "Back in August 2017...
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Nick Boyle, Consultant Surgeon from RefluxhealthUK featured in the latest edition of #Gastroenterology today, read the interview. If you don't have a copy, read the article here... https://www.gastroenterologytoday.com/view-latest-issue/
Here is Ron Lumb who kindly took part in the 2.6 challenge for the @OPA_UK Ron is also a patient buddy for the OPA and is 15 years post operative - thank...
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