"Derby Homes are pleased to announce that The Oesophageal Patients Association as our new Charity of the Year. The OPA has led the fight against oesophageal and gastric cancers for over 30 years. Their purpose is...
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Our next virtual meeting will be held on Saturday 14th November 2020 at 10:00 am. This meeting will be taking place on Zoom. Agenda 10:00am - Welcome, and opening talk, update...
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Thank you so much to Lynsey and Friends for all your most generous efforts in raising funds for the OPA. Read Lynsey's story below... "A few months ago my 52...
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Option 1 A shared place to honour your loved ones and commemorate their lives. Mark special anniversaries, share stories, remembrances and photos, and celebrate their lives with a dedication on...
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A Gift in your Will is a special way you can help patients, their families and friends touched by oesophageal and gastric cancer, in what can be a lonely nightmare....
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Pam's Story... "As you all know I lost the one person who completes me and makes me tick.... my darling Jase to this horrible cancer. Every day since we found...
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The OPA have two new t-shirt designs! Join the Fight - Unisex (Size XL) https://www.opa.org.uk/products/opa-t-shirt-unisex-join-the-fight.html Butterfly - Female (Size L) https://www.opa.org.uk/products/opa-t-shirt-butterfly.html
Keep up to date on all things OPA! Exciting news and topics in this article... Announcing our new Chair Update on COVID-19 and how it has affected the OPA A...
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Taking an all-or-nothing approach is a common mistake people make when trying to reach their health goals. They may say things such as "I'm only eating vegetables!" or "I'm never...
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For information on Efficacy of magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with large hiatal hernias, please read the document below. https://refluxuk.com/pdf/hh-linx-published.pdf
Some people have health conditions that make many foods challenging for them to digest. What healthful dietary choices can a person make if they have trouble with digestion? Symptoms of...
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A burning throat is a common symptom of infections and other underlying medical conditions. It can occur on its own or alongside other symptoms. In many cases, a person can...
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