Orla Hynes, Principal GI Dietitian, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, gave a talk to the OPA about survivorship, nutrition and quality of life after surgery. You can read...
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and your treatment options What is Reflux Disease? Reflux (also called Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GORD) is a chronic digestive disease in which acid and bile flow back from the...
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The simplest and most affordable photo book Turning your photos into a beautiful photo book has never been easier and cheaper! Make your photo book via our app or online. You can help us...
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The OPA have new Polo Shirts and Caps in stock today! Visit our online shop to make your orders... OPA Polo Shirt (S) OPA Polo Shirt (M) OPA Polo Shirt...
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Start 2021 with some shelf-help and support the OPA at the same time! With Ziffit and Virgin Money Giving, you can clear your clutter and donate the value of unwanted...
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Play now to WIN 1 of 5 £100 Etsy gift vouchers & £100 for the OPA in the national draw on the 27th February. £25,000 Jackpot! Sign up from £1 per...
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"This site is a tribute to Stephen, who was born in Sunderland on December 16, 1970. He is much loved and will always be remembered." https://stephenbarrass.muchloved.com/
The Oesophageal Patients Association is a registered charity that was founded in 1985. The charity is solely funded by personal donations and Grants from Charitable Trusts. All donations received go...
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Keep up to date on all things OPA! Exciting news and topics in this article... GORD Awareness Week 2020 Patient Meetings update Christmas Cards in stock! and much much more......
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For anybody who missed the OPA London Zoom Meeting on 14th November 2020, you can view the slides from James Gossage's talk below... https://www.opa.org.uk/edit/files/opa_london_zoom_meeting_2020_talk_by_james_gossage.pdf
GET EDUCATED about the symptoms and complications We would like to educate people that Reflux disease is more than just heartburn and raise awareness of more symptoms. By using this...
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What is SIBO? Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is when there are too many bacteria in the small intestine. Usually, the small intestine has less than 1000 bacteria per mL of...
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