GET EDUCATED …about the symptoms and complications! We would like to educate people that Reflux disease is more than just heartburn and raise awareness of more symptoms.
SIBO is the subject of this episode from Reflux UK World leading experts on the condition, Mark Pimentel, Ali Rezaie and Anthony Hobson discuss the latest treatments, tests and diets...
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The OPA are pleased to welcome aboard Professor Grant Fullarton as a new Trustee. We are looking forward to working together! Professor Grant Fullerton – Trustee Grant is the former...
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The first episode of Reflux Radio has been published and is ready to listen now! "Surgery for Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Reflux UK discusses LINX and Fundoplication surgery with...
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Welcome to the Spring issue of the OPA Newsletter. What a year we had in 2020, here’s hoping for a better future ahead. In this issue you can catch up on...
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Simple Clinic Test Offers Alternative to Endoscopy when Screening for Barrett’s Oesophagus. Cytosponge™ is a new test that can identify Barrett’s Oesophagus in at risk patients. It has been developed...
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Nicholas Boyle, Reflux UK talking about How Acid Reflux Affects Lives. More YouTube videos like this can be find on the Reflux UK channel. RefluxUK - YouTube
Play the Giving Lottery for your chance to win up to £25,000 whilst supporting the OPA! 60% of the ticket sales goes to the OPA. To get involved and find out...
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Can you enter the Virtual 2021 Virgin Money London Marathon, get fit and at the same time raise funds for the OPA and help us continue the support for our...
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The National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit (NOGCA) evaluates the quality of care for patients with oesophago-gastric (OG) cancer in England and Wales. The audit provides information that enables NHS cancer services...
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We are so happy to announce that we have been allocated 10 spaces in the Virtual 2021 Virgin Money London Marathon which is to take place on Sunday 3rd October...
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Thank you so much to Justine Wilson for sharing her story and for the very generous donation from Justine and her company Cardano Risk Management. “My husband Peter, at just...
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