The OPA are thrilled and honoured to be recognised as the Cancer Support NPO of the Year! 🏆🎗️ Our dedicated team and incredible community have worked tirelessly to provide hope,...
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The informal first post-COVID cancer support meeting was held on Saturday 20th May 2023 at The Tower Hotel, London. This meeting was a heart-warming and valuable experience. This gathering provided...
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Exclusive offer – Bed Wedge Pillow from Putnams In this leaflet, you will find information about bed wedge pillows and how to take advantage of this offer. OPA x Putnams...
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"A friend told me they were doing a skydive, which is something I had thought about before, she asked if wanted to join so thought why not! I chose to...
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We have a range of new and beautiful OPA Teddy Bears. You can browse these here - OPA Teddy Bears Archives - The OPA
NEW IN STOCK - Barrett's Oesophagus Leaflet An Important Consideration for All Reflux Patients, learn all things Barrett's Oesophagus in this leaflet including FAQs. Barretts Oesophagus Leaflet - The OPA
Alfred Stokes, aged 11, decided to chose to support the OPA in a school charity event. "As part of Alfred’s English course, the whole year have been learning about persuasive...
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The OPA Cancer charity has officially opened its bigger and better space. “Demand for our services is higher than ever and the old space just wasn’t meeting our needs anymore”...
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We have a new range of our OPA Teddy bears, these include a hug in a mug teddy, a bunny and lots of other beautiful bears. Take a browse on...
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The OPA have a range of beautiful charm keyrings for you to choose, from butterflies and flowers to rainbows and unicorns and you can view them on the OPA Shop......
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Specialists in the Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Reflux. RefluxUK are the UK's largest specialist reflux clinic with centres across the UK. Specialist Acid Reflux Treatment Centre in London · RefluxUK
This pack contains information about Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) and your treatment options. Order your FREE pack here - Acid Reflux Awareness Pack - The OPA
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