Reflux is a disease. Not a bad meal choice! Reflux (also called Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GORD) is caused by a weak muscle in your oesophagus called the Lower Oesophageal...
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There are several tests that your consultant may use to diagnose reflux disease. Here are some examples. Response to medication A trial of PPI medication may be used to confirm...
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The LINX Reflux Management System is indicated for patients diagnosed with pathologic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) as defined by abnormal pH testing, and who continue to have chronic GORD symptoms...
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What is LINXTM? LINX is a flexible ring of small magnets placed around the oesophagus just above the stomach during a minimally invasive procedure to help prevent reflux. How does...
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85% of patients were freed from dependence on daily GORD medication Bothersome regurgitation was eliminated in 99% of patients Bothersome heartburn was eliminated in 88% of patients Patients reported a...
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There are many reasons patients consider surgery as an alternative to medical therapy. Are you dependent on medication to manage your reflux disease symptoms? Do you continue to suffer reflux...
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Benefits Durable resolution of bothersome heartburn and regurgitation Requires no alteration to the stomach anatomy Patients typically go home in less than 24 hours and resume a normal diet Patients...
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In addition to dietary and lifestyle changes, medication is commonly used to treat heartburn, the most common symptom of reflux disease. Benefits Reduced stomach acid production Relief from heartburn symptoms...
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Diet Modification Spicy/acidic food Caffeine Chocolate Alcohol and tobacco Lifestyle Modifications Elevation of head of bed No meals 2 - 3 hours before bed Weight loss in overweight patients
Reflux disease can affect your life beyond the symptoms you feel. Patients with Reflux Disease Often Experience: Poor quality of sleep Reduced work productivity Dietary compromises to avoid symptoms Concerns...
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Fundoplication surgery involves wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the outside of the oesophagus at the lower esophageal sphincter (LOS) to help prevent reflux. Benefits Reduced symptoms of...
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The Royal Marsden is leading a major clinical trial to investigate the best treatment options for patients with gastro-oesophageal cancers. The Phase II PLATFORM trial aims to establish whether patients...
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