This document is from the One Cancer Voice group of charities focusing on the most frequently asked questions. Click here to view
Fiona Wade, patron of the OPA, has designed a wristband to help the OPA raise funds so we can support more patients, families and their carers. The wristbands are back...
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Our patron Fiona Wade has designed a wristband to help the OPA raise funds so we can support more patients, families and their carers. Fiona is an actress, best known...
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Our beautiful OPA patron Fiona Wade, best known for her role in Emmerdale as Priya Sharma, gets wed !! Stunning photos courtesy of OK Mag - get your copy today!...
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Dates, Times and Venues for meetings in February and March... 20th February 2020 Nottingham 13:00 - 15:00 Maggies City Hospital Campus Gate 3 Hucknall Road Nottingham NG5 1PH 20th February...
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Whether it’s trekking the Great Wall of China, conquering Mt Kilimanjaro or even cycling from London to Paris - choose your challenge of a lifetime. Click on the link below to...
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We are pleased that the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England have announced the oesophago-gastric 'Be Clear on Cancer' campaign will go to a national basis from 26...
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There are over 65 Million people in the UK and it is estimated that over 1 in 10 people suffer from Reflux Disease. Reflux disease can have a terrible impact...
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Did you miss Fiona Wade on Celebrity Catchphrase, Saturday 4th January 2020??? Stephen Mulhern hosts a celebrity special of the classic game show, with James Jordan, Fiona Wade and Louis Walsh all...
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"What is Reflux? Can it be cured? We meet Mr Nick Boyle as he tells us all about Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease and the revolutionary new LINX device available from...
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Eosinophilic esophagitis Eosinophilic esophagitis is caused by too many eosinophils in the esophagus. This happened when your body overrespond to an allergen. In children, this can make eating difficult. According to...
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