Got Bad Heartburn? Make These Changes
Do you often get heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux? One of the first things to try for relief is to make some simple changes in your diet and other everyday habits.
1. Revamp Your Meals
Think “more and mini.” Eat more often, but cut back on your portions. Smaller meals are easier on your stomach because they put less pressure on the valve that connects your esophagus and stomach.
Pace yourself. Stop eating before you get too full. It helps if you eat slower, since you may not feel full until 15-20 minutes after you start to eat.
2. Outsmart Your Triggers
Notice — and avoid — foods or drinks that seem to bring on or worsen your heartburn. These may include:
3. Solve It While You Snooze
These steps will help reduce reflux when you sleep:
- Put blocks under the legs at the head of your bed to raise it at least 6 to 8 inches. This helps keep your stomach’s contents down. Don’t just pile on more pillows. It doesn’t work, because this position may put more pressure on your belly.
- Stop eating at least 2 or 3 hours before lying down.
- If you want a nap, curl up in a chair instead of in bed. Sleeping in a more upright position can help.
4. Loosen Up
Don’t wear tight clothes or tight belts. Often, extra pressure around your belly ramps up acid reflux.
5. Take a Load Off
If you’re overweight, lose some of those extra pounds. It will ease pressure on your stomach.
6 Kick the Habit
If you smoke, stop. Smoking may make it harder to keep stomach acid down. It can take several tries to kick the habit for good, so hang in there and keep trying! Your doctor can help.