Acid Reflux/GORD
Acid Reflux Causes
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD), or reflux disease, is a very common disease of the digestive system. It is caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter, or LOS. The LOS is a ring of muscle that connects the Oesophagus to the stomach. It acts as a gatekeeper, opening to allow food to pass into the stomach and then closing to prevent the contents of the stomach (food, acid, and other secretions) from backflowing, or refluxing, into the Oesophagus. Because the lining of the Oesophagus is easily irritated by the contents of the stomach, acid reflux causes heartburn and other symptoms of GORD.
Symptoms & Diagnosis
Heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest is the most common symptom of GORD; however, everyone is affected differently and may experience a variety of other symptoms, including:
- regurgitation
- difficulty swallowing
- chronic cough
While doctors often diagnose GORD based on a discussion of symptoms, a variety of tests are needed to identify definitively the cause of symptoms.
Oesophageal Cancer and Other Complications
Because the contents of the stomach can irritate the lining of the Oesophagus, GORD can advance to a variety of complications, including strictures, Oesophagitis, Barrett’s Oesophagus, and Oesophageal cancer. All of these complications can seriously impact the quality of the sufferer’s life if not treated appropriately.
GORD Medications
The goal of medical therapy for people with GORD is reducing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. This section includes everything you need to know about the different GORD medications available to control your symptoms.
Acid Reflux Surgery
For some people, acid reflux surgery is a viable option to provide lifetime relief from GORD. The goal of the different antireflux procedures is repair of the damaged LOS. This section includes a discussion of the pros and cons of surgery, as well as the latest information about the different procedures currently available.
Natural Heartburn Remedies
Natural heartburn remedies and small lifestyle changes can help relieve the symptoms of GORD. This section includes information on why your daily habits are so important to controlling the progression of reflux disease and highlight some of the most popular natural heartburn remedies.
Did you know that your diet is a critical part of controlling your symptoms and keeping your GORD from progressing? While medications and procedures are an important part of the picture, avoiding your triggers, keeping your portions small, and controlling your weight get to the heart of what causes GORD in the first place – excess pressure on the LOS. A healthful GORD diet can have a dramatic effect on how you feel, especially if you are in the early stages of the disease.
This information is from RefluxMD –