Can stress cause Cancer? Here’s a warning from experts
Procedures identify Barrett’s Oesophagus patients at risk for cancer progression
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) – causes, symptoms & nutritional interventions
Blood test can detect 50 different types of cancer
Blood test detects common cancer types 4 years before current screening methods
Cancer: Common antibiotic may boost immune system
Antacids offer instant relief but are often overused
Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy to prevent gastric cancer
Efficacy of magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with large hiatal hernias
A possible gut-brain connection to ‘chemo brain’
The Vagus Nerve May Carry Serotonin Along the Gut-Brain Axis
Artery vs Vein
Three decades of oesophagogastric cancer care: now a curable disease
Evolution of gastrectomy for cancer over 30-years: changes in presentation, management, and outcomes