A great way to raise funds for us – and one of the easiest ways – is to shop online.
You can shop from almost 3,000 retailers who will give a donation every time you buy something at no extra cost.
If all our supporters remembered to do their online shopping through Easy Fundraising, then we could set up more support groups for patients across the UK.
How it works:
For a step to step guide on how to use Easy Fundraising, click here.
Start at easyfundraising.org.uk
If you want to buy a pair of shoes, an item of clothing, your groceries in fact anything you need, instead of going direct to the retailer website you go to the easyfundraising.org.uk website first – or you can use the Easy Fundraising Donation Reminder widget.
Making a purchase
Click from the Easy Fundraising site through to your chosen retailer to make your purchase.
Then get your donation
When you have made your purchase the retailer will make a donation to our cause as a thank you for shopping with them. There will be no extra charge for your purchase and Easy Fundraising will collect these donations for us. Brilliant! It really is easy.
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